Thursday, March 25, 2010

The World Bank an international bank for reconstruction and development and created by UN agency to assist developing nations by loans that are guaranteed by other member countries gives a clear definition of poverty. It is important to collect data from 73 countries because they take notes of the experience of men and women being poor in those 73 countries. This makes the researches aware that there are a lot of people in poverty and in extreme poverty. Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job is fear for the future living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Extreme poverty is often a degrading state of powerlessness that lack representation and freedom.Poverty means you cant save money or have shortage of food and water. Many people get ill because most of the water is unsafe and dirty. The difference between poverty and extreme poverty is that extreme poverty keeps on getting worse and worse not being able to eat everyday and usually a lot worse than people who are in poverty. Poverty trap is a constant state of deterioration and not being able to make enough money to support himself or other family members. The world bank defines poverty as "not having enough income to meet the most basic human needs for adequate food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation, health care, or education"About 1.4 billion people are under the line of poverty in the world. There has been huge improvement over 20 years because in 1931, there was about 1.9 billion people under the line of poverty and in 2008, there are about 1.4 billion people under poverty. Some things i can suggest to help the situation is to ask school and people to donate money, water, and food. Each school can create an awareness and raise money to support 1 village.
The first time when I witnessed poverty was when i saw little boys begging for money. I also so parents with an illness, or lying down or have no legs or arms. I saw this when I went to Bali for a vacation in Club Med. I felt empathy for them and I wanted to help them but there were too many and my mom told me it is better not to give money because there are so many little boys begging for money. It would be unfair if only give money to only 1 person. So I left the people in poverty and headed towards Club Med.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Caring for human life and happiness

My quote explains how everyone should be cared for and be happy all the time. Everyone has the right to be happy and deserve a good and a wonderful life. No one deserves to live a miserable and an unhappy life. Preferably caring for humans and their happiness is one of the most important goal.

This picture shows that if everyone works together as a team, caring for others and making them happy, we can live a peaceful life with a loving society. The hands justify all the people on earth working together and caring each other. As you can see, the hands look like the earth which shows that everyone should work together and make peace on earth.