Sunday, May 23, 2010

Before earthquake

Haiti is a country suffering with one of the worst problems, which is poverty and extreme poverty. Many of the rights are being broken there along with more and more people in poverty. People in poverty is suffering from drinking water that is not clean and getting food from their farms, which is not often the best food to eat. They give birth in order to grow the family and get more money, however the case is that the babies get malaria and often die. When families have children, they often send them off onto the streets to do low paying jobs and sometimes get into the wrong kind of job such as joining a gang, prostitution, etc. Many of the children don’t receive any education because they don’t have enough money or that the parents want their children to earn money instead of getting schooled. But without education children would not succeed in life which then leads to a cycle of which poverty. When Haitians get sick with diarrhea, dehydration, Malaria, etc the public clinics in Haiti are terrible because they don't have access to water and have bad quality medicine. They share needles because they can't afford injections. People are also in extreme poverty because they don’t receive any education or that they are homeless and cant get a job.

After earthquake

Haiti is in worse conditions due to loss of possessions and loss of homes. The country was hit with a magnitude of 7.0. It is said that because of the earthquake, 67 % of the people their went from poverty to extreme poverty. Tens of thousands of people died due to the earthquake. Because the Haitians had such poor quality houses/shelters, the earthquake shattered the houses into a mountain of trash. Many countries try to help rebuild shelters for the Haitians and get them basic needs however they do not receive enough help to get the people out of poverty. Basically everything became worse as they tried to fight against hunger and survival

Monday, May 17, 2010

Top ten most influential people.

Bill Gates
He invented Microsoft wanting to help other people in the world work easier using Microsoft. He helped billions of people become more advance in technology. He also donated billions of money to charities all over the world. Because Bill Gates did all of this helpful things to people all over the world, I think he would be one of the top 10 most influential people in the world.

Oprah Winfrey

She went through a tough childhood experiencing segregation and poverty. Now that she is famous and rich all over the world on television, many people were influenced especially black people that there is still hope and that anyone not caring about their skin color can achieve anything. Also during her shows, she opens herself to others allowing others to also open themselves to help solve the issues the person has. She also goes against CNN and other news reporters with many people agreeing with her. She is not afraid of losing but want to try to make a difference.

James Cameron

He directed many movies along with many famous ones for example Titanic and Avatar. He always puts the reasons behind his movies for example avatar. In avatar, they explain that small people or people with different color skin color is not the same as normal people such as humans.

Neil Patrick Harris

He appeared in many T.V shows playing many roles of a straight person. Although he is gay, he proved many people wrong that gay people are not that bad. He influenced many gay people that being gay is not something to feel ashamed about but something you should feel proud to be.

Susan Boyle
She was once a no body until she came on to the show Britain's Got Talent in 2009. She sang Oprah on stage and was apparently really good. She was famous for her talented singing. At first when everyone saw her, they thought she would have no talent because of how she looks. After showing everyone that she has a really good talent, other people who look different from everyone else (Fat, ugly, etc) felt they had hope because Susan Boyle showed everyone else wrong.

Kim Yu-Na is one of the Korean figure ice skater and she has impressed many people in the Vancouver tournament. She has gotten many gold medals to win many of the Korean people's heart. She has managed to move some of the people away from other channels. She wanted to show people that Korea has some talents such as her in ice skating.

Mark Zuckerburg is the creator of Facebook. Because of this website, he was able to connect millions of people together by using this website. This also changed the way how the people interact within the world

Steve Jobs is one of my top 10 people because he created a phone which enables touch screen, Internet and games. This allowed other companies to create the same thing but a different type. His company, Apple, became popular because Bill gates helped create the company with his money. Because he became very popular, he called himself the Beatles of the computing world.

Bill Clinton
is one of my top 10 people. When he was 63, he started helping Haiti with ideas what Haiti could actually be. He asked other people to help him, like George W. Bush and some U.N. people. They started to reconstruct buildings and the Haitians started helping them also to rebuild faster. He also helped in Africa helping extreme poverty and worked for many years kicking off debt cancellation which came out with an additional 42million Africans going to school

Han Han
is a Chinese race car driver and an author and he made arguments with other people about problems of Chinese educations, including the problems with the strictness and rigidness of Chinese education. He wanted to support his country so he went against people who thought Chinese people were different (bad different)

Monday, April 12, 2010

In Kenya

Having a change in spirit made the agricultural yields double, child mortality dropped 30%, school attendance shot up. The palpable can do spirit changed the people into learning and taking risks. People who were scared of bees became an apiarist. D Sachs wanting to help Kenya made simple programs influence health care, education, job training and lifting people out of poverty. Teaching others such as rotating crops and using technology to cure malaria. Preventing the country to feel anti-aid, trying to create a project preventing poverty and terrorism. The public must be aware and should help.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The World Bank an international bank for reconstruction and development and created by UN agency to assist developing nations by loans that are guaranteed by other member countries gives a clear definition of poverty. It is important to collect data from 73 countries because they take notes of the experience of men and women being poor in those 73 countries. This makes the researches aware that there are a lot of people in poverty and in extreme poverty. Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job is fear for the future living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Extreme poverty is often a degrading state of powerlessness that lack representation and freedom.Poverty means you cant save money or have shortage of food and water. Many people get ill because most of the water is unsafe and dirty. The difference between poverty and extreme poverty is that extreme poverty keeps on getting worse and worse not being able to eat everyday and usually a lot worse than people who are in poverty. Poverty trap is a constant state of deterioration and not being able to make enough money to support himself or other family members. The world bank defines poverty as "not having enough income to meet the most basic human needs for adequate food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation, health care, or education"About 1.4 billion people are under the line of poverty in the world. There has been huge improvement over 20 years because in 1931, there was about 1.9 billion people under the line of poverty and in 2008, there are about 1.4 billion people under poverty. Some things i can suggest to help the situation is to ask school and people to donate money, water, and food. Each school can create an awareness and raise money to support 1 village.
The first time when I witnessed poverty was when i saw little boys begging for money. I also so parents with an illness, or lying down or have no legs or arms. I saw this when I went to Bali for a vacation in Club Med. I felt empathy for them and I wanted to help them but there were too many and my mom told me it is better not to give money because there are so many little boys begging for money. It would be unfair if only give money to only 1 person. So I left the people in poverty and headed towards Club Med.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Caring for human life and happiness

My quote explains how everyone should be cared for and be happy all the time. Everyone has the right to be happy and deserve a good and a wonderful life. No one deserves to live a miserable and an unhappy life. Preferably caring for humans and their happiness is one of the most important goal.

This picture shows that if everyone works together as a team, caring for others and making them happy, we can live a peaceful life with a loving society. The hands justify all the people on earth working together and caring each other. As you can see, the hands look like the earth which shows that everyone should work together and make peace on earth.